ReBoot ● ReWild ● ReInspire ● ReConnect ● ReEnergize
Dr Ken Jennings and Lutz Otto have repeatedly seen how time in nature can positively change, enrich and have a profound impact on lives. Through a series of discussions, sharing of experiences and a rich integration of perspectives, they explore what happens when nature, ecology, adventure and psychology meet.
In this episode we work through the practice of mindfulness with Mark Joseph one of South Africa's leading mindfulness practitioners and teachers. We talk through:
🦋 What activated the decision to study mindfulness - Businessman to mindfulness practitioner.
🍂 Stress negatively influences us both on a psychological and physical level - Nature experiences help with restoring mental and physical health.
🦋 The shift from being disconnected to reconnecting with ourselves, the people important to us and the environment.
🍂 Unplugging, detaching and detoxing - Creating space for yourself, wherever you might be.
🦋 The definition and attitudes of mindfulness.
🍂 The power of choice - Moving from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset.
🦋 Curiosity and a beginners mind.
🍂 The incredible influence of the remote Himalaya's on Marks journey.
🦋 Mindfulness training in developed versus natural settings.
🍂 Trans-formative processes permanently change our mindset.
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🐾 Dr Ken Jennings is an internationally respected psychologist, executive coach, lover of wilderness and nature photographer. 🌐
🐾 Lutz Otto is a specialist wilderness and walking safari guide, adventurer, wilderness conservationist and business consultant. 🌐
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