ReBoot ● ReWild ● ReInspire ● ReConnect ● ReEnergize
Dr Ken Jennings and Lutz Otto, have repeatedly seen how time in nature can positively change, enrich and have a profound impact on lives. Through a series of discussions, sharing of experiences and a rich integration of perspectives, they explore what happens when nature, ecology, adventure and psychology meet.
Episode 1 set the platform for the series . In this episode they work through "Transformation and Mindset":
🔹 What is the psychological, planning and physical preparation for an adventure.
🔹 Dealing with challenge.
🔹 Arriving with a beginners or open mind.
🔹 Being open to learn and possibility.
🔹 Awe and gratitude.
🔹 "The MAGIC".
🔹 Operating in flow or the zone.
🔹 Moving through the change curve.
🔹 Perspective shifts.
🔹 Trust creation.
🔹 The spirit of wilderness.
🔹 The no return switch - Psychological transformation.
Don’t forget to add any thoughts or comments in the boxes below and if you enjoyed the chat please share and like.
🐾🐾Dr Ken Jennings is an internationally respected psychologist, executive coach, lover of wilderness and nature photographer. 🌐
🐾 Lutz Otto is a specialist wilderness and walking safari guide, adventurer, wilderness conservationist and business consultant. 🌐
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